Nextdeal newsroom, 9/10/2018 - 09:58 facebook twitter linkedin Ο αναπληρωτής γενικός διευθυντής της Groupama Laurent Thuillier, νέος πρόεδρος του Ελληνογαλλικού Επιμελητηρίου Nextdeal newsroom, 9/10/2018 facebook twitter linkedin Ο κ. Laurent Thuillier, αναπληρωτής γενικός διευθυντής της εταιρείας GROUPAMA Ασφαλιστική, αναλαμβάνει τη θέση του προέδρου στο Ελληνογαλλικό Εμπορικό & Βιομηχανικό Επιμελητήριο, μετά την αποχώρηση του κ. Cyrille Dupont από την Ελλάδα. Ποιος είναι ο Laurent Thuillier Professional experiences 04/16 up to date Deputy General Manager – Groupama Phoenix Asfalistiki, Greece. In charge of managing the subsidiary with direct supervision of the following departments: IT, Human Resources, Marketing, Communication, Legal, Logistics, Procurement, Audit, Risks and Compliance. 01/13 – 03/16 Director of Operations - International Direction, Groupama SA, Paris. Member of the Executive Committee of the International Direction and Board Member of three brokerage firms in the UK. Covering international perimeter with a team of five executives. Monitoring results, implementation of Group projects (e.g. SII, Digital Transformation), annual audit plan aiming at detecting and disseminating best practices (e.g. portfolio monitoring), initiating projects improving practices and results (e.g. green cards, behavioral pricing, workshops and forums – e.g. Fraud), challenging pricing policies and reserve levels. Risk-owner of three Major Risks Group (Fraud, LAB / LAT and default of advice). 09/08 – 12/12 General Secretary and Strategic Projects Director - Groupama Asigurari, Romania. Member of the Executive Committee, Deputy General Manager of Asiban in 2008/2009. In charge of strategic projects, i.e. merger of the three acquisitions made in Romania (BT Asigurari 2007, Asiban and OTP Asigurari 2008) and direct supervision of Legal, Logistics and Purchasing Directions incl. 65 employees (2012). Realization of legal merger and portfolios transfers, re-branding, streamlining of networks, integration of information systems. 01/07 – 08/08 Mergers and Acquisitions Director – International General Direction, Groupama SA, Paris. Member of the International Direction Executive Committee. Point of contact for investment banks for searching targets. Negotiation of consulting services: investment banks, law firms and financial experts. Coordination of Group support divisions and all councils during Due Diligence phases. Negotiation and preparation of offers, Sales Purchase Agreements and other contracts (bancassurance or services). Concretization of the cases in Romania, Greece, Turkey and Tunisia. NEWSLETTER Λάβετε τα καλύτερα του Nextdeal στα εισερχόμενά σας, κάθε μέρα. 01/01 – 12/06 Institutional and Corporate Relations Deputy Director – FINAMA Bank, Paris. Member of the Development Committee, responsible for a Net Banking Income of €21.4m for Institutions and €745K for Corporates in 2006, in charge of two teams (2 Deputies, 4 Account Managers, 2 Credit Analysts). In charge of Customer Relationship Management for all Group companies, commercial development and projects aiming improvement of services (Redesign of tariffs grids for payment methods and securities custody, redesign of online services - first bank in France to grant unlimited secure internet transfers). Certification NF ISO 9001 of payment methods. Development of a credit syndication activity (€100m). 07/98 – 12/00 Treasury and Strategic Investments Back Office Manager - Groupama SA, Paris. Supervising 2 treasurers and 3 back-office operators. Responsible for the management of the Group's operating treasury, which includes 50 entities and 1,500 accounts for an average daily management of €1bn. Responsible for the implementation of new cash flow forecasting tools, the analysis of financial and operational cash flows. Redesign of bank account management procedures, renegotiation of terms with all banking networks (including joint GAN agent accounts). Responsible for data entry into BO systems of all so-called strategic operations. 06/94 - 06/98 Financial Direction Deputy Officer, AIG Vie France, Paris. Responsible for financial reporting to the US headquarters and the supervisory authority and accounting entries for financial transactions, relationship with AIG Asset Management (Member of the Investment Committee in charge of ALM studies and cash flow management, Assets under management: €300m). Treasurer and responsible for the banking relationship, daily management of €50m. In charge of the management of a Unit-Linked product (AIGFPP). 07/91 - 06/93 Financial Control Analyst. AGF (UK) Holdings - Assurances Générales de France, City of London. Responsible for the budget consolidation of Group companies by lines of business. In charge of monthly and quarterly management control reports. Realization of the first studies aiming at the implementation of an ALM policy. 02/90 - 02/91 Internal Auditor. ISL Ltd - Instrumentation Scientifique de Laboratoire, Bradford- UK. Realization of an accounting and financial audit mission of the marketing unit of ISL Group (Verson, Normandy). Mission carried out in parallel with the studies followed at the University of Leeds. Extra-professional experiences 2004 – 2007 Residents Council President. Ursulines Residence in Saint Germain-en-Laye. Creation of the Council and of the operating rules following the sale of the residence by an Institutional. Management of 4 employees – in charge of relations with the Syndic and the 300 resident families. 2016 – YTD Vice President of the Association Entraide in Greece. The purpose of this association is to help French nationals who are in financial distress by providing them with meals and allowances. 2017 – YTD French External Trade Counsellor - Greek Section By appointment of the French Prime Minister, in charge of developing French economic interests in Greece by supporting new comers on the market, providing advice to French Public Administration on Greek situation. 2018 – YTD President of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry France Greece. Member of the Board of the EU Hellenic Chambers Union gathering 5 Bilateral Chambers. The Chamber is composed of a team of 5 permanent members and gathers more than 400 member companies, Greek and French. Its purpose is to develop economic relations between the two countries and to support French companies wishing to settle in Greece and vice versa. 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