Nextdeal newsroom, 2/7/2021 - 11:11 facebook twitter linkedin Έφυγε από τη ζωή ο αντασφαλιστής Bruno Felix Nextdeal newsroom, 2/7/2021 facebook twitter linkedin Απεβίωσε σε ηλικία 63 ετών, ο πρώην εκτελεστικός αντιπρόεδρος του AXIS Re Europe, Bruno Felix, νικημένος από την επάρατη νόσο. Ο Bruno Felix, ήταν μια εξέχουσα προσωπικότητα στον αντασφαλιστικό κλάδο, με πολλές γνώσεις για την ελληνική αντασφαλιστική αγορά, καθώς πάνω από πάνω από 20 χρόνια συνεργαζόταν με Έλληνες brokers. Συντριμμένοι όσοι συνεργάστηκαν μαζί του τον αποχαιρετούν. Δείτε το μήνυμα της Howden Matrix: Farewell to Bruno Βruno Felix, our dearest friend and business partner for the last 20 years is no longer with us. Bruno, who was executive vice president underwriting of AXIS Re Europe until September 2019, has passed away at the age of 63 after battling cancer the last few years. He was a recognised figure in the insurance industry, having spent nearly 16 years at AXIS Re Europe, latterly as head of motor line of business. He joined AXIS Re Europe in Zurich in September 2003 and served as the member of management. Bruno spent his final days surrounded by his family and friends in Saint-Jean-de-Monts, Vendée, France. "Bruno truly loved what he did - creating new opportunities, long partnerships based on trust and respect. He was respected by the market and considered very professional," said his wife Catherine and sons Arthur and Théau. His death has a left a big void in our hearts and we will always remember him for his exceptional professionalism, his subtle manners and his warm smile. Gerry Tighe, Dimitris Tsesmetzoglou, the Management Team and all of us in Howden Matrix who knew, worked and had the opportunity to spend time with Bruno wish to express our deepest condolences to his beloved wife Catherine and his family. May his Soul Rest In Peace." Στη φωτογραφία ο Bruno Felix στο Hydra Meeting Ακολουθήστε το στο Google News .
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